Funzi Mobile talks: Speakers Introduction


We are very excited to introduce to you our esteemed guest speakers for the upcoming event Funzi Mobile talks: The fundamental skills needed in the future of work. They are going to provide their expertise in various fields and contribute unique viewpoints into the topic of the future of work. Learn about the people who are going to lead this innovative discussion!

Dr. Saara Tamminen is a Leading Specialist in the Climate and Nature Solutions team of Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund. Sitra is an independent public foundation that operates directly under the supervision of the Finnish Parliament. Dr. Tamminen has specialized in international economics, in particular services trade, climate policies, and their impacts, economic modeling, income inequality, and sustainable development. Dr. Tamminen holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. She has published multiple research papers and scientific articles. Her recent work has focused e.g. on labor market impacts of service imports, circular economy and services trade, and the system-level changes needed to reach climate targets sustainably.

Markku Wilenius is a professor of Future Studies and currently works as a Dean of Dubai Future Foundation. Professor Wilenius and his team focus on three major themes in their studies: research on long-term societal waves, and particularly the emerging next wave, future of organizations and work, and thirdly future of cities, building an understanding, how cities of the future could be more human-focused, healthy and mobile. Professor Wilenius is also highly interested in researching environmental issues and sustainability. He is also the Unesco Chair for Learning Society and Futures of Education. Professor Wilenius was working for Finland Futures Research Center within the University of Turku School of Economics, over two decades before accepting his position with Dubai Futures Foundation.

Marlon Parker is an influential young South African entrepreneur and a true visionary of the future. He is the founder of Reconstructed Living Lab (RLabs). RLabs is a global movement that has inspired replication of the model in 23 countries and impacted more than 18 million people since its inception. Marlon is passionate about technology and innovation, and his work with information technology and the service industry is outstanding. Marlon has been listed as one of the 100 World Class South African, alumni of President Obama’s Young African Leaders initiative. He was also selected as a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, Dangote Fellow, and an Ashoka Fellow for his work in Social Entrepreneurship. Marlon has done extensive work with organizations such as Mozilla, BBC, Facebook, Finnish Foreign Ministry, UNWomen, Naspers, WeChat, World Bank, and Accenture.

Aape Pohjavirta is the Founder and President of Funzi. His vision is to make education available to everyone. That vision has led Funzi on its journey to combine skills development and technology in a manner that truly makes learning accessible for anyone on the planet. Aape is a recognized industry leader and contributor to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. He is a pioneer of the mobile industry and has worked with digital development since 1988. Aape is a commendable public speaker and has presented his vision of equal learning opportunities to governmental institutions, embassies, and accelerators globally.

Have you registered yet?

Register to join us on June 16th to be part of the lively discussion and gain a better understanding of what is required to succeed in the jobs of tomorrow, as well as how to embrace the ‘new normal’ of working life.

15:30-17.00 Helsinki (UTC +3)
14:30-16.00 Cape Town (UTC +2)
20:30-22.00 Singapore (UTC +8)

The event is FREE and hosted on Zoom.

Register now

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The future of work is human


Funzi Mobile talks: The fundamental skills needed in the future of work